Mom's Gone Virtual's Telecommuting Taxes

Income taxes can be a very difficult topic, especially if you telecommute or work from home! Mom's Gone Virtual helps take the confusion out of telecommuting taxes by giving you free tax tips.


Ready to make more money online?

Best States for Business conducted a poll to find out how the 50 states ranked as far as business is concerned. The Best States for Business 2006 lists each state based on the following categories:

* Business costs
* Economic climate
* Growth prospects
* Labor
* Quality of life
* Regulatory environment

Here are the top 3 for 2006:
1. Virginia (I must agree it is a wonderful state to operate a business in)
2. Texas
3. North Carolina

Find out where your state ranks on the Best for Business list.


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The information found at is not intended to be, nor should it be taken as, legal advice of any kind. Please contact your personal tax advisor, accountant, or attorney for questions pertaining to your specific situation.