Mom's Gone Virtual's Telecommuting Taxes

Income taxes can be a very difficult topic, especially if you telecommute or work from home! Mom's Gone Virtual helps take the confusion out of telecommuting taxes by giving you free tax tips.


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Save the Internet

The whole internet is at stake. The big communication companies are wanting to restrict and/or block access to websites depending on what the website owners can afford to pay them. Therefore, we may no longer be able to control what we see on the internet.

That means that small businesses like mine and even telecommuters could be bye bye because we won't be able to pay the "toll" like the big corporations therefore our business will be gone! This is absolutely awful for economy and in the long run for the technology advances we have worked so hard for. This will, in my opinion, knock us back so many years it's not even funny!

Please Save the Internet by clicking the link and signing the petition. If you work at home, own a small business, or know someone who does this could be passed and in affect by the end of this year if we don't do something about it, so please help those of us who don't have big money backing us up and are just wanting to stay home and take care of our families without giving up the income we need!

Go here to see what this is all about more indepth as well as sign the petition to stop this from happening. The cool thing about this petition is that the site sends your letter right to your states lawmakers.

Please, I'm begging you to get involved and help me and so many others keep our businesses and stay home with our families that need us. Don't let the internet become someone else's property. When you go online you want what YOU want, not what the big C wants you to see! Keep the internet OURS!!

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