Mom's Gone Virtual's Telecommuting Taxes

Income taxes can be a very difficult topic, especially if you telecommute or work from home! Mom's Gone Virtual helps take the confusion out of telecommuting taxes by giving you free tax tips.


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Why Do I Blog? Guess I Need To Start Hu?

Nicole Dean must think I'm a bit of a slacker on my blog because she tagged me and wants to know Why I Blog? Considering I haven't blogged in awhile here you guys just might be saying "Why ask her, she doesn't!" :)

But, here is the main reason I blog (on this one anyway).

I blog to help other self employed/work at home parents with the one area of their business that seems to be the hardest and most frustrating for them. If I can make it easier for atleast one person, then my blogging is worth it.

Now, it's my turn to tag a few people.

Darina Loakman
Mila Sidman
Aurelia Williams
Kristine McKinley


Blogger Tishia said...

Good answer Arika :-)

11:56 AM  

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