Mom's Gone Virtual's Telecommuting Taxes

Income taxes can be a very difficult topic, especially if you telecommute or work from home! Mom's Gone Virtual helps take the confusion out of telecommuting taxes by giving you free tax tips.


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Bookkeeping Software Review

I've had many people ask me to recommend a good, low cost alternative to the 'big dog' bookkeeping software. I've found the one I think is perfect for work at home moms and dads and did a review of it.

It's the most user friendly bookkeeping software I've seen in a while and even better, it's FREE!

Have a look at the review HERE for more information and then check it out.

If you try it out, let me know what you think. I would love to hear some feedback from other work at home parents who don't work with numbers as a career!


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Long Distance Tax Refund May Be Yours

If you paid the long distance telephone tax on your home, cell, or VoIP telephone between February 28, 2003 and August 1, 2006 you may be eligible for a refund on your income taxes this year.

The refund is based on the number of exemptions and actual phone usage and ranges from $30-$60. The best part, it's only one extra line to fill out on your tax return and you don't have to dig through your 3+ years of phone bills to figure the amount!

Click here for an article with more information. You can also visit the IRS website for more details.

The information found at is not intended to be, nor should it be taken as, legal advice of any kind. Please contact your personal tax advisor, accountant, or attorney for questions pertaining to your specific situation.