Mom's Gone Virtual's Telecommuting Taxes

Income taxes can be a very difficult topic, especially if you telecommute or work from home! Mom's Gone Virtual helps take the confusion out of telecommuting taxes by giving you free tax tips.


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Home Office Deduction Information from the IRS

I subscribe to the IRS Tax Tips and today they sent me this one about the Home Office Deduction.

Here's the link! If you are wondering whether you are eligible or just need more information take a look-see! Click Here


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Just Do It...

"Or atleast try!" That's what my son says about flips and jumps.

My son was jumping on his bed doing flips this afternoon while I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth. (Yes, every now and then I do let him jump on his bed! He's a boy and they will do it anyway, so why not!) His bedroom being right across the hallway from the bathroom he and I were talking back and forth. Here's part of the dialogue, without the gargling and spitting! LOL

Zach: "Moommy, come watch my new flip, the Triple X."
Mom: "Ok, just one second."
Zach (after doing his flip about 4 times): "Isn't that awesome mom? You know how I finally got it right?
Mom: "Yea that's great Zach, pretty cool. How did you get it right?"
Zach: "Well it's like anything else you want to do. You just do it....or atleast try. That's what everybody should do. If you want to do something like that or well, anything really, you just do it or atleast try! If you don't atleast try then you will never learn how to do anything. Who knows you just might like it and be good at it!"
Mom: "You are absolutely right!"

Isn't it funny how an 8 year old, without even knowing it, knows a secret to so many different things in life? I can immediately think of a 100 things that statement could apply to in life.

Taking the advice of my child, I finally Just Did It! I joined a wonderful group called Mom Masterminds. I've only just begun and there are so many resources for women entreprenuers there. The encouragement and helpfulness of all the other women in the group is awesome. Many of them have been there, done that and don't mind helping you along the way. The best part is, they don't just hand everything to you...they make you work for what you want.

If you are a woman in business you owe it to yourself to take a look and see if this is something for you. However, let me tell you this much, if you think it's sounds good don't put off joining! JUST DO IT! It's so worth it, I promise. Take the first step by checking out the Mom Masterminds 9 Day Free eCourse

Ok, off to work I go!


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Work at Home Trend Growing

Check out this article in the USA Today about work at home call center reps!
It rocks and it's true!

Cost-effective 'homesourcing' trend grows


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Me Time...OH MY!

Wow...I've got me time tonight! Jerry's playing cards, Zach is staying at a friends house and Hunter is sleeping!

Now, the question of the hour is...what am I to do with this free time? I could read, watch television, sleep, take a bubble bath, paint my toenails, oh the list goes on and on. What would you do if you were me? Any suggestions are welcome, because I would love to hear what other moms do with their free time. Leave me a comment or drop me an email...I wanna hear from you!

Now, to answer the question you are all dying to ask. Well, Arika, just what ARE you going to do?

I'm going to work on my VA business that's what. To start off I'm gathering all the questions I have received over the past few weeks and organizing them in a Word document and post to my site and if I still have time I am going to write my next article.

Speaking of articles: Have you checked out my articles at LadyPens? If not click on the pretty pink button to the left that says: FREE REPRINT ARTICLES BY ME! You will also find more articles by other awesome women. This is a wonderful resource that any female writer should consider using...and best of's free and great publicity.

Ok, off to work. Yes, I really am excited about this evening!

Oh yeah, by the can use my articles there if you would like as long as you keep the article completely in tact, including the resource box at the end and also keep all links active. Just send me an email to let me know you have used it and where so I can take a peak. Thanks ahead of time!

Arika out! :) Yep it's American Idol time again, can you tell? heeheehee


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Child/Dependent Care Credit Question

Don't have much time this morning, as my six month old woke up sooner than normal from his nap. I wanted to post a question I received yesterday regarding the Child Care Credit real quick though.

I opened an e-mail from a fellow WAHM with the following scenario wanting to know if she was eligible to claim the dependent care credit.

Kate is a work at home mom who runs a daycare in her home. Her husband works outside the home as an electrician. They pay for their child to attend preschool and Kate was curious if she was able to take the credit since she worked out of her home.

The answer is YES! As long as both parents have earned income, receipts for the payments, and the preschool setting was younger than kindergarten, she is eligible to claim the Dependent Care Credit for her preschool aged child.

Unfortunately, not all taxpayers' situation may not be as cut and dry as this one. As always check with the IRS for more detailed information. Information regarding the Child/Dependent Care Credit can be found here.


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Tax Credits...You just might be eligible!

Heylo everyone! Sorry about the absence. I've been a busy little bee with tax season and raising the boys! No place I'd rather be than busy with work and my babies!

Here's a link to some information regarding the Tax Credits available this year!,,id=120665,00.html

Best of luck to everyone and please keep the questions coming! I'll post them here as well as respond to your email!

Until next time....Arika out! ;)

The information found at is not intended to be, nor should it be taken as, legal advice of any kind. Please contact your personal tax advisor, accountant, or attorney for questions pertaining to your specific situation.