Mom's Gone Virtual's Telecommuting Taxes

Income taxes can be a very difficult topic, especially if you telecommute or work from home! Mom's Gone Virtual helps take the confusion out of telecommuting taxes by giving you free tax tips.


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More Off Topic Blogging Fun

Nell got me this time! ;) She has invited me to play along in the 5 things you may not know about me blog game. So, here you go:

1. I started college with the intent of become a child psychologist, but changed my major to accounting after the 1st semester.

2. Both of my boys middle names are named after someone. Put the two middle names together and you have my Dad's name. My youngest wasn't named after my Dad, but instead a close friend of my hubby's.

3. I am extremely disorganized when it comes to my own things, but others things I am meticulous about.

4. My favorite animals are white tigers and penguins.

5. I collect Precious Moments figurines.

Ok, I'm inviting these five people to join in the fun:



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WAHMs Belting Carols for a Cause

Christmas is the season for carols, fun and giving. How would you like to hear your fellow work at home moms sing your favorite Christmas carol?

This is a UNIQUE Christmas Fundraiser inspired by the 12 Days of Christmas. This fundraiser will run only for 12 days beginning on December 13 and ending on December 25, 2006. All proceeds of this fundraiser will be donated to the Susan Komen Breast Cancer Foundation.

To listen to the carols and to donate - please visit Carol for a Cause 2006

Once your donation is received, you will be directed to a page where you can access the "carols". As a Thank You for your donation, you will also have access to awesome resources and e-books like:

- Traditional Christmas Carols
- Holiday Stress Ebook
- Creating a Magical Family Christmas
and some business resource ebooks too like Viral Marketing Values, Computer Basics for Beginners and Word Processing Basics ...

Carol for a Cause 2006 can be found here ->


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Best States for Business conducted a poll to find out how the 50 states ranked as far as business is concerned. The Best States for Business 2006 lists each state based on the following categories:

* Business costs
* Economic climate
* Growth prospects
* Labor
* Quality of life
* Regulatory environment

Here are the top 3 for 2006:
1. Virginia (I must agree it is a wonderful state to operate a business in)
2. Texas
3. North Carolina

Find out where your state ranks on the Best for Business list.


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More Information on the Telephone Tax Refund

Back in May, the IRS announced that individuals, businesses and tax-exempt organizations who paid the long-distance telephone excise tax after February 28, 2003 can receive a refund on their 2006 federal income tax returns.

Businesses (yes, sole proprietorships are included) and Tax Exempt Organizations now have an easier way to figure their long distance tax amounts. Rather than gathering and going through over 3 years of telephone bills, the IRS has decided to allow businesses and tax exempt organizations to estimate their refund amount.

Businesses & tax exempts can find the formula to use, as well as complete details regarding the refund here:
Telephone Tax Refund: Q&A for Businesses & Tax Exempts

In case there are individuals reading who do not own a business, you can find more information here for your refund:
Individual Telephone Tax Refund Information


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Blog Party: I've been tagged

Mila Sidman has invited me to paaartay!

There's a blog party going around and she got me and here are the rules:

It's the Come As You Are Blog Party. You have to take a picture of yourself AS YOU ARE RIGHT NOW, at this very moment. Put that picture on your blog and explain why you look the way you do in the picture. Then, tag 4 others to come join the fun! ;)

I was in the middle of working my tail off when I took this picture so I'm surprised I could even form a smile! You guys are lucky, Mila tagged me yesterday and I thought I looked bad then, well Jen Houck tagged me this morning on my VA Blog and I look worse this morning! LOL Atleast in this picture I got dressed and had brushed my teeth! :)

Ok, here's the lucky 4 I'm tagging:

Aurelia Williams
Rona Berry-Morin
Jenn Anthony
Melissa Baughman

The information found at is not intended to be, nor should it be taken as, legal advice of any kind. Please contact your personal tax advisor, accountant, or attorney for questions pertaining to your specific situation.